October 3, 2018

Preventing Deaths with Rear Seat Belt Use Enforcement

One of our DTC instructors, Dr. Daniel Findley, recently led the publishing of a paper in the Journal of the Transportation Research Board - Transportation Research Record. Data were collected from the NHTSA’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System to analyze the link between primary enforcement of rear seat belt use and injury severity in fatal vehicle collisions. Specifically, this study predicted the amount of fatalities that may have been prevented had there been standard enforcement of a rear seat belt law in effect. This study recorded and compared the number of rear seat fatalities in states that did and did not have primary enforcement laws for rear seat occupants. The results predicted that the states that do not practice standard seat belt enforcement could have seen approximately 772 to 1,032 fatalities prevented from 2011 to 2015, had there been primary rear seat belt enforcement. This corresponds to an estimated national crash cost savings of $8.6 billion, or $1.7 billion annually.

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