“I am 100% confident saying that without your course, I wouldn't have succeeded with a first-time go. With my work and home life demands, I needed a prep course that told me how, what, and when to study. DTC was perfect in that regard. I walked into my study sessions daily not having to worry about what needed to be accomplished. The implementation of the MERM, Six-Minute Solutions, and NCEES example exam were instrumental in applying the lessons learned each week and understanding what is expected of us during the actual test. As a result, I was able to identify all of the test problems, what PRNs to use, and what pass-through to answer them in. Admittedly, I was nervous at first about taking DTC because of all the other more expensive courses, thinking the more expensive the better, but I was obviously wrong. Keep doing great things for future candidates!”
CPT Chandler Alford, PE
United States Army
Seattle, WA
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