Well, I got down to business researching when I could take the exam. With other work experience and my Ph.D. in hand, it turned out that I only had to wait about two years before I was eligible to sit for the exam. I started studying (and let me tell you - I wish Dr. Tom's method had been around back when I was sitting down every week working through the CERM!) to get ready to take the exam in April of 2004.
When exam day arrived, I was about 4 months pregnant, which made that year doubly exciting, as my first daughter was born right after I found out that I passed.
I was so proud to order my new business cards with "Engineer" as my title, and I got a raise to boot! I left those old business cards behind in the recycling bin. I'm proud to be a role model for my daughters, who know that they too can achieve whatever they set their minds to. - Beth Sciaudone, DTC Civil Water Resources & Environmental Instructor
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Change Is Coming! You Should Take the PE Exam Now.