You have achieved a lot in your career as an engineer, but you know that you are capable of more. Getting your P.E. license will open up a world of possibilities for you to achieve the extraordinary. And we can help you make those possibilities a reality with our 20-Week Reviews for the Civil and Mechanical PE Exams and our comprehensive plan to prepare you to pass the exam.
Professional Engineers are changing our world for the better every day with amazing achievements. We can’t wait to see what you will do with your PE!
Sign up for any DTC 20-Week Review in March and get $100 off using Discount Code:
achievePE20W. Just a little something to get you started on the path to greatness.
“If you don’t read my entire testimonial – here is the 'bottom line upfront:' Look no further! Like many other folks, I had previously taken the Mechanical PE exam without a great deal of structure. In fact, after two unsuccessful attempts in the mid 1990’s – I placed professional registration on hold – uncertain if I would ever try again. However, with life and work ever-changing, it became clear that professional registration would be a benefit. Needless to say – I passed the Mechanical Thermal/Fluids exam and a great deal of credit goes to Dr. Tom and the course. If you work the program, watch the lectures, do the problems, prepare the personalized resource notebooks, and use the participant forum…you will pass the exam. This structure, organization, and commitment are why this program is so successful and I will be recommending this to my colleagues. Thank you Dr. Tom and your entire staff.”
- Neil Martin, PE (LTC (Retired – US Army)), Veolia Water Technologies, Naperville, Illinois
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March 1-31 Get $100 Off Any 20-Week Review
Change Is Coming! ME's You should take the PE Exam NOW!