I have spent decades helping engineers prepare for both the Mechanical and Civil PE Exams, and I’ve learned a lot in those years about what works and what doesn’t. I’ve especially learned a lot from the engineers whom I have taught. They have shared their insights, and I have worked to use those insights to make my PE Exam review courses better and more effective. I've found that if you follow these three simple strategies, your first attempt might very well be the charm. I wrote an article about these strategies a few years back, but that advice still holds true today. Here's a summary, but for more details, check out the article.
#1 - Adequate Time - Start preparing for the exam at least 6 months before you plan to take the exam. In the years I’ve been helping people prepare for PE Exams, I have taught review courses in many forms: short, long, live, online. I have found 6 months to be the optimal time frame to adequately cover the range of topics that you need to review at a pace that allows you to truly comprehend the material. It is also the best time frame for being able to retain that information on the exam. Start too soon and you run the risk of forgetting things when the exam rolls around. Start too late and there are just going to be topics that will not stick.
#2 – Organized Review - Because no one can go through every possible resource or problem related to any PE Exam discipline, another key strategy for success is to be organized. Everyone approaches learning a little differently, and an organizational process that works for one person may not be best for another. However you approach it, you'll need to gather the appropriate resources, approach each topic one at a time, and organize your resources for exam.
#3 – Exam Strategy - It is vital to go into the exam with a plan to work all the “low-hanging” fruit first. By that I mean that the first time you go through the exam, you only work problems that are very familiar to you and that you can work very quickly and easily. The second time through, work problems that are familiar and you think you can work without too much trouble. Repeat that process again and again until you have exhausted all that you can work and guessed at the ones you absolutely know you can’t work.
I have made these three strategies the cornerstones of the PE Exam reviews we offer at Dr. Tom's Classroom, and over the years I have found them to be consistently effective. No one can guarantee your success on the exam, but if you devote adequate time, organize your review and your resources properly, and have an effective exam day strategy, your first attempt can indeed be the charm. Being thoroughly prepared and having a plan can bring a peace of mind that will give you the clear mind and calm spirit on exam day that are the keys to success.
- Dr. Tom
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