August 27, 2019

Flexible to Fit Your Schedule - Whatever It Is!

At DTC, we understand that you are a very busy person, and that finding time to prepare for the PE Exam is a big challenge. That’s why our courses are designed with maximum flexibility and effectiveness in mind - available 24/7 online, with short lessons, lots of practice, and detailed study plans. We give you the structure, you choose the schedule.

“Being nearly 20 years out of college, I was VERY intimidated to attempt the PE exam. I can say with absolute certainty that Dr. Tom’s review course was the key to my success.

I initially was planning to attend a live class offered by another company. However, sitting through 4 days in a row of 8 hour classes (for three weekends) did NOT appeal to me or fit my learning style. Tackling it at MY pace and on MY schedule (weekday lunch and evenings, weekends), focusing on solving examples, and shoring up trouble areas before progressing to new lessons was the only way I could effectively learn the material. Doing, not merely watching is the key for me.

The organized approach (study schedule, practice problem selection, and reference binder structure) allowed me to focus on learning the content for the exam instead of wasting time trying to figure those out on my own. I was doubtful that I could get back up to speed on so many of the subjects that I spent years studying in college, but it worked!”
- Brent V., PE, Houston, Texas

Mechanical Engineers - Change Is Coming!
You Should Take the PE Exam Now.

Dr. Tom's Classroom - Achieve the Extraordinary