Problem 510 is found in the PM practice exam for Water Resources and Environmental—but don’t be afraid to try it if you are just taking the AM portion as it’s a great problem to practice open channel flow computations!
This problem involves a channel and overbank area which need to convey a given design flood. The unknown in this problem is the width of the overbank needed such that the depth in the channel does not exceed a certain value. There are two given Manning’s n values for the channel and overbank area.
HINT: Separate the main channel and overbank areas into two rectangular cross-sections, and be careful when you compute the wetted perimeter, including only the parts of the channel and overbank that are wetted. - Beth Sciaudone - DTC Civil Water Resources & Envrionmental Instructor
Beth’s Solution to Civil WRE PM: NCEES Problem 510 - Geotechnical: Retaining Wall Stability
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