July 25, 2016

Introducing DTC's NEW Civil PE Exam Review!

I am delighted to be introducing the brand new Dr. Tom's Classroom Civil Engineering PE Exam Review. With the success of my Mechanical Engineering PE Exam Review, I have received numerous requests to provide an exam review for Civil Engineers as well. It's something I have always hoped to do, and from my experience providing PE exam prep instruction on mechanical topics to civil engineers, I knew that the methods I developed for my online mechanical review could be applied to civil engineering as well. There was only one catch; there are five civil engineering areas covered in the Civil exam, and not only am I not a civil engineer, I'm not an expert in any of the civil areas.

Fortunately, I have been able partner with a group of amazing young engineers who are passionate about teaching in addition to being very skilled their fields of expertise. I am absolutely thrilled with the team of five instructors we were able to assemble to undertake this monumental task, one for each area covered on the Civil PE Exam. I hope you will read more about them. I have been so impressed with how they have embraced the Dr. Tom Method and have worked so diligently to create excellent lessons, problems and study plans. And they are all in it for the long haul. They will each be available to answer participant questions about the course content they have created.

The 20-Week Civil PE Exam Review follows the tried and true structure and method that I developed for my Mechanical Engineering PE Exam Review, and it provides a step by step path to being successful on the exam. The DTC Civil Engineering PE Exam Review for the April 2017 Exam is now available for registration. I hope that you will share this news with your Civil Engineering colleagues. We would love to help them be as successful as our Mechanical participants.

-Thanks, Dr. Tom

Dr. Tom's Classroom – Helping Engineers become Professional Engineers!
Targeted Mechanical and Civil PE Exam Reviews that work!