October 9, 2018

Achieve the Extraordinary. Become a PE.

Getting your P.E. license will open up a world of possibilities for you to achieve the extraordinary. And we can help you make those possibilities a reality with our 20-Week Reviews for the Civil and Mechanical PE Exams and our comprehensive plan to prepare you to pass the exam. Sign up for any DTC Review in October and get $25 off. Just a little something to get you started on the path to greatness.

Professional Engineers are changing our world for the better every day with amazing achievements. We can’t wait to see what you will achieve with your PE!

“Dr Tom's was an invaluable program. I've been out of school for over 20 years and needed to re-learn a lot of the material. His teaching style took very complex concepts and laid the material out in a straight forward fashion with a systematic approach to solve the problems. His methodology gave me structure for studying that I would not have been able to achieve on my own. His organizational approach to the reference material was a huge time saver and assistance during the exam. Thank you Dr Tom for putting a great program together.”
- Lori Van der Voort, PE, Abington, PA

Dr. Tom's Classroom - Achieve the Extraordinary
Save $25 with discount code: achieve25B

Change Is Coming! You Should Take the PE Exam Now.