Well, scientists at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics near Rome are getting ready to perform one of the most important experiments since the discovery of the Higgs Boson in 2012. The instrument they will use is called "Padme," which stands for Positron Annihilation into Dark Matter Experiment. What they will be looking for is evidence of a fifth force, one that will confirm that there is what is called "dark matter." Scientists apparently only know about the 4% of the universe we can see. The rest is invisible, thus the term "dark matter." One of the things the discovery of "dark matter" will explain is the "ever-accelerating expansion of the universe."
Currently, there are four forces: the electromagnetic force, the strong force holding atoms together, the weak force of radiation, and the force of gravity. Gravity explains a lot about the universe, however it falls very short of explaining what the existence of dark matter would explain.
The experiment is a long shot, but as one of the scientists involved in the experiment says, "We are shooting in the dark in every sense, but if you are shooting, you at least have a chance." We wish them the best in getting a bullseye on the experiment. - Dr. Tom
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