September 6, 2017

Urgent Advice for Those in the Path of Hurricane Irma!

The Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) has new advice for home owners preparing for Irma and other fierce wind storms: SHUT ALL INTERIOR DOORS, as well as windows and exterior doors. The advice follows an intensive summer study at their unique research center in South Carolina that examined how a full scale single family home performed in scientific wind testing. Debris flies in a hurricane and if a window is broken or seals fail, wind pressure can build inside the home and press upward on a roof that is already stressed by external forces like wind, rain and debris. Closing interior doors can "compartmentalize" the pressure and reduce upward force on the roof. It's a simple step that could make a big difference in how the roof performs. This and other prep tips available. #ShutthedoorsonIrma!

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